Monday, January 24, 2011

GS Promise and Law

The primary things that the Daisies learn is the promise and law. The learning petals revolve around these two items. As the promise is learned, they earn the promise center of their daisy petals. As each line of the law is learned, they earn the corresponding petal.

Girl Scout Promise

On my honor, I will try

to serve God and my country,

to help other people at all times,

and to live by the Girl Scout Law.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Happy Birthday Girl Scouts!

Happy Birthday Girl Scouts!

When: March 12, 2011 10:00 AM- 3:00 PM

Where: Camp Low Country, Cordesville

We are invited to the birthday party of the year! Come to Camp Low Country to celebrate Girl Scouts' 99th birthday. There will be games, crafts and other fun activities for all to participate in!

Registration begins: Jan. 31, 2011
Registration ends: Feb. 18, 2011

Goodwill Good Turn Days

When: March 1, 2o11-March 31st

Location: Your local Goodwill Industries store

It is time for spring cleaning. Gather up what you do not need anymore and take it to Goodwill Industries during the month of March and receive a 2011 Good Turn Days patch. To receive the 2011 Good Turn Days patch, a girl must donate at least 2 bags of clothing/household goods to Goodwill Industries.

*Adults need to request receipts after dropping off any donation during the month of March from the Goodwill Industries store employee.

World Thinking Day

World thinking day is February 22, 2011.

Girl Scout Night with the South Carolina Stingrays

Let's join the South Carolina Stingrays for an evening of hockey and other fun activities.

When: February 11th, Game begin at 7:05 p.m.

Where: North Charleston Coliseum, North Charleston

Ticket Prices: $10 upper level, $14 lower lever, $17 risers (glass)

Cookie Booth Sales

Please watch your email for upcoming information on troop cookie pick up and booth sale dates/times.

THANK YOU, parents, for supporting your Girl Scout in this wonderful opportunity and experience.

Cookie Patches

This year we have a lineup of patches that can be earned for different aspects of your performance selling cookies.

Here are the patches and their requirements:

Participation Patch
Girls who sell at least 12 packages

Gift of Caring Patch
Troop must donate at least two cases (24 packages) of cookies

Super Patch
Every girl who has a pre-order of at least 225 packages

Booth Sales Patch
Every girl who participates in one or more booth sale

Goal Achiever
Every girl who sells 225 packages or more